Friday, August 29, 2014

Grand Opening & Zendoodle Class

Kate Studio Grand Opening - 

Let's Make A Zen Doodle Framed Artwork!!

Tuesday, September 30th

Kate Studio
639 Hunter’s Pointe Drive
Bellingham, WA
(forest green corner house on corner of Hunter’s Pointe/Clark– the studio is in the basement)

Cost: $10 
*** EXCLUSIVE (special grand-opening price for meet-up members)
Space is limited to 6 students.

(refreshments and snacks provided for our opening celebration)

Join art teacher Kath Piros at the grand opening of Kate Studio!!  Learn what the studio offers and let your creativity run free.  This first day, we'll be learning about papers and inks to create a zendoodles, experimenting with doodle patterns, then placing our art in a matted frame that's provided.  People have been doodling for years... at least since the invention of the telephone! Haven't you sometimes been quite surprised at seeing the results of your mindless marks? Zendoodles build up a design by completing small sections at a time, all while being in a relaxed, “zen-like” state.   Join us to draw, have a few laughs, make friends and enjoy an evening of art.
Your material fee will cover use of all materials, and each student takes away a framed zendoodle artwork created in class. No prerequisites and no experience required.  This is a great course for those who are experienced artists as well as those who can only draw geometric shapes.  

Please remember cancellations allowed only until 5 days before the meetup.  Instructors have to purchase the materials in advance, so after that time, members who cancel or do not attend will be charged for the material fees.  Thank you!

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